get app id
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    1. the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) ZIP file to your local drive and unzip it.
    2. Because Web AppBuilder runs on top of , you must have  Node.js installed on your computer. The download package contains the Windows version of node.js. 
      • If you are on a Windows platform, you can follow the steps in the next section to start Web AppBuilder.
      • If you are on a platform other than Windows, such as Mac or Linux,  you need to install specifically on your platform first.  In  case you already have Node.js installed, make sure its version is 0.10.0 and later.

The minimum version of node.js supported by Web AppBuilder is 0.10.0.

Start Web AppBuilder


  1. Start Web AppBuilder based on your platform.
    • On Windows, double-click the startup.bat file in the unzipped folder. The batch file starts the Node.js server in the Command Prompt window and  Web AppBuilder  in your default browser with  http://[yourmachinename]:3344/webappbuilder. If the browser is closed, you can reopen Web AppBuilder  in the same—or a different—browser as long as Node.js is running in the Command Prompt window.
    • On other platforms,  open the  Command Prompt window, cd  to the /server directory of  the Web AppBuilder installation, and type node server.js. Once Node.js runs, start Web AppBuilder in the browser with http://[yourmachinename]:3344/webappbuilder. If the browser is closed, you can reopen Web AppBuilder  in the same—or a different—browser as long as Node.js is running in the Command Prompt window.
  2. Web AppBuilder runs on top of with the default port of 3344. To run Web AppBuilder with additional parameters,   different ports, or as a Windows Service,  complete the following steps. Otherwise, see the Specify your portal URL section.
    • Run with additional parameters and different ports.
      1. Open a command window and browse to the /server directory of   the Web AppBuilder installation.
        • On 64-bit Windows, type node_x64.exe server.js [-port=value] [-proxy=value].
        • On 32-bit Windows, type node_x32.exe server.js [-port=value] [-proxy=value].
        • On other platforms, type  node server.js [-port=value] [-proxy=value].

        -port specifies the port  you want Node.js to run on, and -proxy specifies the proxy URL if needed.

      2. Start Web AppBuilder in the browser with the port number specified above at  http://[yourmachinename]:[yourport]/webappbuilder.

        If you have problems starting Web AppBuilder, see for more information.

    • Run as a Windows service:
      1. Install on your Windows platform.
      2. Run Command Prompt as administrator.
      3. Browse to the /server directory of Web AppBuilder, and run the npm install command.
      4. Run the npm run-script install-windows-service command.
      5. Start the ArcGISWebAppBuilder service from the Services window.
      6. To remove the ArcGISWebAppBuilder service, run the npm run-script uninstall-windows-service command.

Specify  your portal URL


  1. Specify the URL for the ArcGIS Online organization or Portal for ArcGIS account that you want Web AppBuilder to access. To use Web AppBuilder, you must have an ArcGIS Online organization account, a Portal for ArcGIS account, or a ArcGIS for Developers account.

      Sign up for the ArcGIS Online Trial account at .

  2. Click Continue.

Provide App ID for Web AppBuilder

Since this is  the first time you've used Web AppBuilder with the portal specified above, you may be asked to provide  an App ID for Web AppBuilder to support OAuth 2 authentication. For a specified portal, this process is required one time. When you subsequently start Web AppBuilder, you can log in to the  portal directly.

Do the followings to retrieve an App ID


    1. Log in to the  portal you specified above.
    2. Add Web AppBuilder as an   item.
      • For ArcGIS Online organization or Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1 and up:
        1. go to My Content, pull down Add Item and select An Application.
        2. In the Application dialog, for URL, enter http://[yourmachinename]:3344/webappbuilder. For Title, enter something that makes sense to you, such us Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS . For Tags, enter something that is easy for search, such as Registered Web AppBuilder.
        3. Keep the rest of options as default.
        4. Click ADD ITEM.
      • For Portal for ArcGIS 10.3:
        1. Go to My Content, click + Add Item.
        2. In the Add Item dialog, pull down The item is and select An application. For URL, enter http://[yourmachinename]:3344/webappbuilder. For Title, enter something that makes sense to you, such us Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS. For Tags, enter something that is easy for search, such as Registered Web AppBuilder.
        3. Keep the rest of options as default.
        4. Click ADD ITEM.
    3. In the item details page, click REGISTER under App Registration section.
    4. In the Register dialog, for  Redirect URI, add http://[yourmachinename]and  https://[yourmachinename] as redirect URIs. Be aware that URIs with HTTP and HTTPS protocols are distinguished as two different URIs. It is strongly recommended adding both of them to the URI list to  avoid potential redirect issues.
    5. Keep the default value for App Type and click REGISTER.
    6. In the item details page, copy the App ID under App Registration.
    7. In the browser, paste the App ID  into the text box of Web AppBuilder, and click Continue.

      If you get Error 400 with Invalid redirect_url, complete the following steps.

      1. Go to  /server directory of  the Web AppBuilder installation, delete signininfo.json file.
      2. Review  step 4. Update the existing App ID with the correct redirect URIs. You can also create a new App ID from the scratch.
      3. Refresh the browser running Web AppBuilder.
      4. Provide your App ID again, and click Continue.
    8. Enter your credentials if not already logged in, or click APPROVE with Request for Permission dialog.
An App ID is required by OAuth 2 authentication. See . If you have problems logging on, see and

Build your first app

You are now ready to .


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